
Tips & tricks to use Free Ringtone Maker.

Details - Output Adjustment


Free Ringtone Maker Platinum provides you 4 formats to output your ringtone: WAV, MP3, WMA & OGG. Some cell phones have very strict limit audio files used as ringtones, like, commonly, size & bit rate. Our tool gives you many popular presets to adjust the format quality to match your phone.

Fact: Some tools may offer complicated parameter settings & others provide configuration presets. Ours gives you both. If you are new to ringtone creation, we suggest use the presets for easy & efficient adjustment; if you are already a pro, just specify those parameters as you want.

Output Adjustment

In the "3. Output" section you can find some output setting buttons like "Browse..." to specify the output directory, which is C:\Users\user\Music by default (Replace the [user] directive with your user account name). The "Find Target" button releases you from remembering where the output folder is. The "Target Format" dropdown list is for choosing an output format. Click "Settings" to if you want to change the quality. You can simply apply the presets, but if more specific quality is required, you are also allowed to enter parameters as needed. When all is ready, hit "START" to output the ringtone.

Output Adjustment

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